dagok. >.<

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

None. Zero. Nadah.

they took my phone… again. for the 8th time my dear brothers and sisters, that is. i guess some people are really opting to follow the ‘taking-of-the-phone’ streak huh? dang nabbit! i hate it when they do that. can’t they tell by the way i hold on to that phone how important is it to me? important to the point that i won’t even allow it to escape my sight ( cause i have remembering issues.. and i would only cause a series of commotion if i go all searching for that blasted piece of plastic). important that i wouldn’t leave it sitting pretty, cold and miserable on the couch whenever i go for bathroom breaks (which in turned giving way for an unlikely event of ’swimming’ ala pail and costed me a good 500php for the repair.. damn it! ) important that i would usually wake up every 2 hours in the middle of the night just to check for text messages (that also causes the increase in size of these friggin’ eye patches on my face!) . well.. you can say that im totally over reacting about the matter… but, i was just used to having it by my side.. every minute.. every second of every day.. keeping me company. *sobs..* kidding.

i remember one time it was taken from me.. the very night of the incident, i had a nightmare.. there.. i was a mother. serenading and singing my young one to sleep in my own bear shoulders.. what an adorable little thing! a real heaven sent. and as i wipe off the piece of cloth that shades my dear child’s face from the morning’s beauty.. there i see.. my beautiful child.. (chala-head-chala..) was my cellphone! talk about weird.. and freaky.. and ridiculous..
then i would usually be striken by the thought of my phone being taken away in my sleep. actually, i had nights where i wake up… having my fingers texting in thin air. (go.. let your imagination soar.. picture me texting, with eyes closed.. with no actual phone!)

hmm.. actually.. we agreed that the phone be taken after the summer vacation.. but as you see.. they’re a couple of shit talkers. i have roughly two weeks before classes start. c’mon! what am i supposed to do now? good thing they’re both out so i had this chance to stay on the line and blabber about the incident. sheeesh! they wanted me to press on to my senses.. pound my neck to death.. with no cellphone, less computer.. no gadgets at all just to get in my outmost focus to studying! namaaaaaan. do they even think im getting motivated with their action? for the record.. i so am not! i wouldn’t want to geekify myself you know! i’ll study hard if i wanted to.. with gadgets or none… it’s all up to me! i’m capable of managing my time.. (though, i’ve been a professional procrastinator for the past years.. but im quite in the process of recovering from the habit) well.. i can always switch off the phone to prevent any distractions.. i may as well not use it during reviews.. which is understandble naman na.. but in case of emergencies? what if i need to inform them that i wouldn’t be home before curfew? in case of accidents? hey — it’s not at all time that im with my friends and i could use a little borrowing. cellphone is quite a major, oh maybe not major.. but a tiney weeney necessity of big big importance to people nowadays. and for a busy person, such as myself (roughly right after the classes starts..) i’ll be needing a way to somehow, keep in touch with the outside world. i mean with friends, whom i dont get to see often.. and loved ones. U.U
